Search Video Library for: Diversity Dynamics

E•Z START™ Developing Cultural Competence

E•Z START™ Developing Cultural Competence

Cultural competency means you recognize and respond to the differences and similarities that make up our workforce and customer base - and use this understanding to communicate more effectively and to make better decisions. This E•Z START™ is geared towards all employees within your organization. Total Discussion Time: 30-60 Minutes

E∙Z START™ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging

E•Z START™ Tackling Unconscious Bias

E•Z START™ Tackling Unconscious Bias

Addressing unconscious/hidden bias takes time and considerable effort. It’s about making a more conscious choice about how you show up in the world. It’s about getting comfortable with being… well, uncomfortable. This E•Z START™ is geared towards all employees within your organization (executives, managers, supervisors, front-line employees, staff, etc.) promoting healthy conversations around our biases – and how they impact others. Total Discussion Time: 30-60 Minutes

E∙Z START™ Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Unconscious / Hidden Bias, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging

Come On Now... I’m Not Racist!

Come On Now... I’m Not Racist!

Sometimes people don’t recognize when and how racial bias is expressed in our society and in day-to-day interactions. Most of us have seen or experienced racial bias in the form of microaggressions, which are subtle, sometimes indirect, and often unintentional behaviors that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative racial messages or assumptions. Although these things may not be intended as racist, they can come across that way.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Diversity Dynamics, Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity, Unconscious / Hidden Bias

Go Back to Where I Came From!

Go Back to Where I Came From!

When employees are subjected to slurs and other negative behaviors based on legally protected status—like race, national origin, religion, age, disability and gender among others—the organization has an obligation to prevent and protect their employees from these types of behaviors, including behaviors on the part of non-employees, such as customers.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Diversity Dynamics, Harassment Prevention, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Micro-Inequities/Micro-Aggressions, Racial Equity

Being F.A.I.R.™ What is Cultural Competency?

Being F.A.I.R.™ What is Cultural Competency?

Diversity is a fact of life in our organizations. So, the question is, "how can we use our awareness of diversity to be more effective?" Being culturally competent means having the ability to recognize and respond to our similarities and differences; and make better decisions based on that understanding.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Respect / Respectfulness

Being F.A.I.R.™ What is Diversity, Really?

Being F.A.I.R.™ What is Diversity, Really?

As well know well, diversity is all about relationships. The similarities and differences that exist among employees, customers, and suppliers are what create diversity in the workplace. When we talk about diversity, one of the most important things to understand is that it's about culture. Culture is a way of living, thinking, doing being and believing. It has to do with things like dress, customs, language, and beliefs.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Diversity Dynamics, Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Respect / Respectfulness

Being F.A.I.R.™ Program Summary

Being F.A.I.R.™ Program Summary

The point of understanding the impact of diversity and being culturally competent by using the F.A.I.R.™ approach isn't just to ensure we'll all be nice to each other. Our organizations are in business to accomplish a task. And that takes the cooperation of employees and customers.

Video Summary Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ The Assertive Salesperson

Everyday Diversity™ The Assertive Salesperson

When we think about other people, we need to be aware of how bias may come into play. This is particularly true when the same behavior is seen as positive or negative depending on the gender of the other person. As we think about how to put awareness into action, we must watch the words we use to describe others and strive to be fair and equitable in our descriptions.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ Difficult Name

Everyday Diversity™ Difficult Name

We all know the dangers that come from making assumptions based on one aspect of a person - such as their name. People want to be seen as whole people and our name is just one part of who we are. This kind of bias can be very subtle and we may not even realize that it is being done. So, as we think about putting this into action, let’s support all of employees in the appropriate pronunciation of their names and to watching any biases that start from someone’s name.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ His Husband

Everyday Diversity™ His Husband

There are still many stereotypes and prejudices about LGBTQ+ people - and this can often make it hard to come to work depending upon the attitudes and behaviors of co-workers. While we may not agree with every aspect of all of our co-workers, what we can agree on is that people need to be treated with respect and dignity.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ I Can Hear You!

Everyday Diversity™ I Can Hear You!

People with disabilities live normal happy lives and most of the time are very independent and self-sufficient. Don’t offend someone by assuming that they cannot do something or that they have to have your help, but be willing to offer if it is desired.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ Mary the Dinosaur

Everyday Diversity™ Mary the Dinosaur

We can make assumptions about people based on their age – younger people will be great with technology for example or anyone over the age of 25 will have a harder time adjusting to the software changes. But, assumptions like this can have a real-life impact on our work teams.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ More Than Meets the Eye

Everyday Diversity™ More Than Meets the Eye

How we present ourselves to the world is part of our personal choices. Some people prefer a laid back styles, some prefer a buttoned up conservative look. So long as people are within the dress code, what people are wearing is personal.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Respect / Respectfulness, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging

Everyday Diversity™ Taking Our Jobs!

Everyday Diversity™ Taking Our Jobs!

Caring for ourselves and our families is something that everyone in the world worries about. And, immigrants are no exception of the rule. Often immigrants are willing to take jobs that other people find too hard or that they are willing to take because they have other opportunities. Other immigrants provide highly sought after skills and degrees that help companies to be successful. Helping immigrants to be successful at work helps everyone be a great part of a work team.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Racial Equity, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ They Went to School...Where?

Everyday Diversity™ They Went to School...Where?

Bias and stereotypes can impact us in many ways... including assuming that just because someone didn’t go to prestigious university - they won’t be a great employee. So, when we are reviewing resumes for new hires, it is important to not let those biases keep us from seriously considering candidates for reasons like the school they attended.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Unconscious / Hidden Bias, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Respect / Respectfulness

Everyday Diversity™ What Does a Girl Know?

Everyday Diversity™ What Does a Girl Know?

Sometimes a department or field is dominated by one gender and it can be hard for people who aren’t that gender to be successful in that field - due to ingrained perceptions or long-standing stereotypes. Think male nurses... or female software developers.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Respect / Respectfulness

Inclusion Is...™

Inclusion Is...™

Creating an inclusive work environment that values diversity helps us achieve our organization’s goals – both cultural and financial. This thought-provoking, powerful short video uses impactful imagery, video and music to encourage discussion on the importance of embracing inclusion.

Discussion Generators Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Diversity Dynamics, Learning Reinforcement, Respect / Respectfulness

Making A World of Difference in the Workplace™

Making A World of Difference in the Workplace™

It's a given... the workplace is going to be more diverse. So your employees, managers and executive team need to know it’s important that they use cultural competency skills to interact and communicate respectfully. The bottom line: By better understanding others, YOU can make a world of difference in your organization.

Discussion Generators Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Respect / Respectfulness, Cultural Competency & Sensitivity, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Learning Reinforcement, Workplace Civility

Discussion Card: Creating a Respectful & Inclusive Workplace

Discussion Card: Creating a Respectful & Inclusive Workplace

These easy-to-use cards provide a simple model (M.E.E.T.) along with thought-provoking questions to create a respectful flow of communication - helping everyone recognize, respond to, and resolve difficult interactions involving diversity and inclusion dynamics. These cards are great for a quick training reminder, reinforcement or as a conversation generator.

Discussion Cards Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Discussion Trigger, Diversity Dynamics, Learning Reinforcement, Problem Resolution, Respect / Respectfulness

Group or Individual: Which Motivates You?

Group or Individual: Which Motivates You?

How cultures from around the world look at motivation differently.

Video Vignettes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, Personal Performance Communication, Diversity Dynamics, Inclusion / Equity / Belonging, Interpersonal Skills, Effective Leadership, Respect / Respectfulness, Workplace Civility